About me

Hello, my name is Ji LEE. I’m from Korea, and now I just finished the year of sophomore in Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. My name, Ji(지) means wisdom. My parents named me to be a person who is not only smart but also wise. So I always try to use my wisdom in daily life such as when I work in leader’s position, and also try to develop and expand my wisdom. To describe me as three adjectives, I can say enthusiastic, sincere, and optimistic. Now, let me tell you what I love.

Language: I am a person intrigued in ‘language’. I can speak Korean, English, Chinese and Spanish. For sure, I can speak Korean because that is my mother tongue. But moreover, I am interested in delivering my it properly, and accurately. Especially when I show or tell my foreign friends how to use Korean, I feel huge responsibility to speak Korean accurately as a representative of Korean. My effort of Korean pronounciation enhanced my level of other language. For English, I tried to practice it by repeating native speakers’ talking as same as I can. I spoke it out by singing the English pop song or making a virtual situation and talking alone. For Chinese, I had many friends who are truely enthusiastic in learning it. I was in the Chinese department of DFLHS(Daewon Foreign Language HighSchool), and that experience made me put big effort on Chinese studying. And still now, I am keep studying department of Chinese in Chinese foreign affairs and commerce. Lastly, from taking a class of my double major Spanish class, I started to learn Spanish. My key strength of Spanish is making sound of r.

Golf: You can not describe me without golf. I truly love to play golf. In Korea, I used to go to the driving range and practice everyday. Even the weather is exceedingly hot or freezing, I keep practice. Actually I feel the weather of the day with my whole body by hitting the balls! (Hahaha) There are so many reasons I love golf but if I just pick two, then first one will be ‘It helps me build stronger relationships with people around me.’ By playing golf I got much closer with my parents and younger sister. Also by playing a simple short game, or only just talking about the golf, it is able to build a rapport. For Second reason, I can more focus on myself. Comparing with other sports, golf is a game that you have a lot of things to decide and move to an action by yourself. Also practicing progress requires analyzing yourself and thinking about yourself.

Multiculturalism, Immigrant History, and the Nuanced Nature of American Identity

Studying a neighborhood, such as the Italian Market, provides valuable insights into the cultural fabric and diversity of the United States. The diversity observed in the market, with immigrants from various countries, reflects a broader trend across the entire nation. The melting pot nature of the U.S. is evident in the multitude of races and ethnicities coexisting within its borders.

Through interviews with residents, it became clear that the immigrant experience is deeply ingrained in the American identity. The acknowledgment that most Americans, even those born in the country, have immigrant roots highlights the nation’s rich history of immigration. This shared history fosters a sense of unity and interconnectedness among diverse communities.

The issue of self-awareness emerged prominently during conversations with individuals of different backgrounds. The fluidity and complexity of identity were apparent, with one individual feeling a stronger connection to her ancestral roots, while another identified more closely with being American. This ambiguity in self-awareness reflects the dynamic and evolving nature of American identity, shaped by the interplay of individual experiences and cultural influences.

Moreover, language played a crucial role in shaping identity. The woman who moved from Mexico to the U.S. highlighted the linguistic duality she experienced, proficient in both English and Spanish. In contrast, the woman with Eastern European ancestry emphasized her sole proficiency in English, signaling a detachment from the languages of her grandparents. This language dynamic adds another layer to the intricate tapestry of American identity, illustrating how linguistic choices contribute to a sense of belonging or distance from one’s cultural heritage.

In conclusion, a visit to the Italian Market provides a wider view of the U.S., offering glimpses into the nation’s multiculturalism, immigrant history, and the nuanced nature of American identity. The neighborhood becomes a lens through which one can understand the broader dynamics of a country shaped by diverse backgrounds, languages, and the perpetual journey of self-discovery.

The Intricate Mosaic of American Values

Introduction: What values come to mind when you think of America? Through interviews with Americans and articles introducing their values, I drew three conclusions.

Achievement: The Pursuit of Excellence

At the heart of American culture lies a fervent commitment to achievement. The American Dream, an aspirational beacon, propels individuals toward the pursuit of success, prosperity, and self-realization. This ethos is deeply ingrained in the national psyche, driving innovation, entrepreneurial spirit, and a tireless work ethic. Americans often celebrate individual success stories, viewing personal achievement as both an aspiration and a measure of societal progress. American culture admires individual success stories, such as the technological innovations of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, the athletic achievements of Michael Jordan and Serena Williams, and the success in entertainment of Walt Disney and Oprah Winfrey. These examples highlight the emphasis on individual success in American culture, contributing to the essence of the American Dream.

Diversity and Equality: Embracing Differences

In contrast to the individualistic pursuit of achievement, American values also emphasize diversity and equality. I got this idea from everyone I interviewed who gave a response including the word ‘diversity’. It means you can not generalize people with your stereotype because Americans are so different. The nation’s rich tapestry is woven with threads of various cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives. The concept of the “melting pot” reflects a historical narrative where diverse identities blend into a unified whole. The mass immigration to the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries is a case in point.  During this period, diverse immigrant groups blended their cultural practices into a unified American identity, symbolizing the assimilation ideal of the “melting pot.” However, in contemporary discourse, there is a growing recognition of the importance of preserving individual cultural identities, promoting inclusivity, and fostering equality. The American value system acknowledges the strength derived from embracing differences and ensuring equal opportunities for all.

Self-Centeredness: The Paradox within Individualism

While achievement and diversity showcase the collective spirit, American values also grapple with a nuanced sense of self-centeredness. Individualism, a cornerstone of the culture, can sometimes tip into a self-centric worldview. This self-centeredness, rooted in the celebration of personal autonomy and freedom, poses challenges when it hinders collective efforts or engenders a lack of social responsibility. As an illustrative example of this issue, about two years ago in the Philadelphia subway, a disturbing incident unfolded. A victim on the train was sexually assaulted by a suspect, and nearby passengers, instead of intervening or reporting the crime, acted as if they were recording the scene on their mobile phones for as long as 40 minutes. This incident highlights how extreme self-centeredness can lead to a lack of collective responsibility and a failure to address urgent societal issues.

Conclusion: In the coexistence between individual success and communal harmony, Americans navigate a dynamic interplay of values. The pursuit of achievement, the celebration of diversity, and the awareness of self-centered tendencies collectively define the intricate mosaic of American values. Understanding this synthesis sheds light on the nation’s complex identity, where the tension between individual aspirations and collective well-being continues to shape the evolving narrative of American values.

Benjamin Franklin, a Polymath of the 18th century


 Benjamin Franklin, a polymath of the 18th century, left an indelible mark on various fields through his remarkable achievements and distinctive personality.


 In the field of science, Franklin’s ingenuity was evident in his inventions, notably the lightning rod and the Franklin stove. The lightning rod, designed to protect buildings from lightning strikes, showed his deep understanding of electricity. Similarly, the Franklin stove, an innovative heating device, improved efficiency and safety in heating spaces. Franklin’s scientific contributions reflected his practical approach and a commitment to improving everyday life.

 Franklin’s influence extended into the political arena, where he played a pivotal role in shaping the United States. His involvement in drafting the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence underscored his political acumen and dedication to the principles of democracy. Franklin’s diplomatic efforts in securing French support during the American Revolution further highlighted his strategic thinking and diplomatic skills.

 In the field of literature, Franklin’s wit and wisdom shone through his writing. His famous almanac, “Poor Richard’s Almanack,” not only provided practical advice but also showed his humor and clever observations on life. Franklin’s literary endeavors revealed a multifaceted personality, combining pragmatism with a lighthearted and sociable demeanor.


 Franklin’s personality was characterized by a profound sense of curiosity. His insatiable desire to explore the world around him fueled his scientific inquiries and lifelong learning. Additionally, Franklin’s sociable nature made him a beloved figure in social circles, where his humor and wit captivated those around him.

 Also, practicality was a hallmark of Franklin’s personality. Whether in science, politics, or everyday matters, he sought pragmatic solutions that had a tangible impact. An example of Benjamin Franklin’s pragmatic approach is his invention of the lightning rod. Concerned about the destructive power of lightning, Franklin devised a practical solution, a lightning rod attached to buildings to safely conduct lightning away. This invention demonstrated his practicality by addressing a real and immediate threat, showing how he sought tangible solutions with a direct impact on people’s safety and property. This down-to-earth mindset aligned with his commitment to making meaningful contributions to society.

 Despite his numerous accomplishments, Franklin remained remarkably humble. His humility was evident in his interactions with others and his willingness to learn from various sources. One example of it is his famous collaboration with the French scientist Jacques Charles on the topic of hydrogen. In the late 18th century, Franklin, already well-known for his experiments with electricity, became interested in the properties of gases. In 1783, Jacques Charles had successfully launched a hydrogen-filled balloon. Intrigued by this, Franklin, despite being in his 70s, actively engaged with Charles to understand the principles behind this innovative exploration of flight. Despite the language barrier, they communicated effectively, sharing ideas and insights. This humility, coupled with his practicality and curiosity, contributed to Franklin’s enduring legacy as a founding father and a Renaissance figure of his time.


 In summary, Benjamin Franklin’s legacy is a well-made societal system with scientific innovation, political foresight, and literary brilliance. And his distinctive personality characterized by curiosity, sociability, practicality, and humility, was a key figure of that well-made system. His contributions have left an enduring impact on the world, shaping the foundations of science, politics, and literature.